Computer System Safety Development Support Services

Do you develop computer systems for safety related applications?

Do you need to demonstrate that computer systems comply with emerging safety standards? Do you need to satisfy customers that you exercise all reasonable care during development?


This service is aimed principally at developers and integrators of computer system components and products needing to provide evidence that the computer system complies with the safety requirements, that a suitable safety management system is in place and that all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the system is safe. Typical services include:


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Computer System Safety Procurement Services
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Functional Safety Management

Development of safety plans, safety analysis procedures, safety lifecycle, team interfaces, hazard log maintenance, review and feedback procedures.



System Architecture Evaluation

Development of the system behavioural model

Evaluation of the system architecture against the safety requirements.

Reliability and availability modelling.




Functional Safety Analysis

Safety analysis of system behaviour.

Functional failure modes and effect analysis, fault tree analysis.




Independent Engineering Integrity Evaluation

Independent safety auditing.

Evaluation of software and hardware engineering methods used.

Inspection of design integrity.

Derivation of safety testing criteria.

Monitoring of implementation and feedback of corrective action.




Functional Safety Argument

Advice on contents and structure of argument.

Collation of engineering evidence.

Independent evaluation of validity of argument.





Quality Planning Service

Development of Quality Plans

ISO 9000 and TickIT auditing

Capability improvement advice

