Unsure of the technical options?
Are your systems giving you a competitive edge?
Is there User support for your developments?
Is there a business case?
Is it a product or a system?
Need assistance with the planning?
Typical services include:
06 Mar 2000
Conduct of an 'existing/planned' systems audit
Preparation of Strategic grid
Preparation of a technology route map
Skills audit and planning
Development of requirements and tender documents
Translation of application language to a technical domain
Business case preparation and market analysis.
Audit of potential suppliers
Tender evaluation
Development of plans and project set-up
Risk analysis and management
Contractor/Sub-contractor management
Review of Bid or Control procedures
Supply-chain analysis
Opportunities for e-commerce
Business model and IT
Independent auditing of Systems development
Evaluation of software and hardware engineering methods used.
Inspection of design integrity.
Derivation of testing criteria.
Monitoring of implementation and feedback of corrective action
Drafting of Software and Product development plans to meet various standards